Sunday 16 March 2014

Grass Seeds

With the constant combo of rain and sunshine of wet season, grass grows tall and fast here!  There are always long stalks topped with a head of seeds in yards and on footpaths.
And because Evy is the size of a 2 1/2 year old - she's waist-high amongst those grass seeds all the time.  Here are the seeds I picked out of her little skirt after one walk along the footpath...

Saturday 8 March 2014

Milly's 6th Birthday ~ March 2014

Happy Birthday, darling!
6 years old today...and celebrating with presents from family first thing in the morning...


Then gymnastics...
Then a mermaids & pirates party in the afternoon...


Face painting, treasure hunt, pin the palm tree on the island, prizes, more presents, a pool cake with mermaids swimming and pirates standing guard...