Friday 18 April 2014

Visit from family

My sister Kate, her partner Anto & their little guy Elio are visiting for a week this April...
Here are some photos of our adventures...

Sunset dinner picnic Green Hill Fort - Thursday Island

Camping - Friday Island



Family dinner

Evy's 3rd birthday and bunny-themed party

Boating and fishing and daytrip to Goods Island

 Shopping at Mona's dress shop - Thursday Island

Cultural Night at Gab Titui Cultural Centre - Thursday Island

Playing at home

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Evy's 3rd Birthday and Bunny-Themed Party

16th April 2014
Happy third birthday Evy!

 We started the day with present opening and then breakfast at Gab Titui Cultural Centre's cafe on Thursday Island...



Then we had a bunny rabbit themed party with Evy's little friends at our place...





We made bunny ears, decorated party bags, played pin-the-tail-on-the-rabbit and pass the parcel, opened gifts, ate a pink bunny cake and everyone took home a chocolate bunny for their party favour...